
1502 First St, Suite E Humble, Texas 77338​​
5124 North St. Nacogdoches, Texas 75965


Parent's Responsibilities

Tuition is due on Friday for the following week and is non-refundable.

Preschool Express DOES NOT currently accept cash payments. Payments can be made via ACH draft, Debit/Credit card (2% fee applies) and through myprocare.com (2% fee applies).

Fees after acceptance into program:

  • $75 for 1st child or $100 per family non-refundable registration/enrollment fee (paid once a year at time of enrollment)
  • $50 supply fee (includes supplies, and nap cot) paid once a year at the beginning of fall semester)

A $25.00/Day fee will be accessed if tuition is not paid in full by Sunday

Payment schedules for childcare (which are made in advance) must be adhered to! Failure to meet any scheduled payment can result in removal from the program. After 1st check returned, for any reason, cash payments in the form of a money order will be required. NSF check charge is $25.00. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS! Should you allow your account to go unpaid 5 days past due, your child can be dismissed from the program and will be placed at the end of our waiting list and will have to complete a new enrollment process including payment of enrollment fees. 

Refund of Payments

Tuition will not be refunded as staff payroll, food and curriculum supplies have been purchased in advance of care. We cannot credit you with absences since your child’s place is reserved for him/her and our expenses continue although he/she is not present. There is no reduction in tuition for holidays or any days your child does not attend.

If a child is enrolled before and/or after school, and school is out due to holidays, weather days, etc., then an additional fee of $15/day will be charged for the child to attend those days. 

Your family’s arrival and your leaving your child in the morning can sometimes be a hectic and a stressful transition for both parent and child. In order to facilitate this drop off each morning, we suggest that you establish a regular routine for saying good-bye that you will do every day. 

For Example: Enter the building, sign the child in, and put the child’s things away in the cubby, share any important information with the teacher; only then can we accept responsibility for your child. Walk your child to the bathroom to wash their hands. Get a hug and a kiss, tell them to go to the window for a good-bye wave, blow them a kiss, flash car lights or whatever; you get the idea!

Sometimes your morning routine may not go as planned and your child may need help from the teacher.  You may have to give your child to a teacher to hold as you depart. Your child may cry when you leave. If you are uncomfortable, you can call the center when you get to your office/class to see how your child is doing. Usually children stop crying and get involved in an activity fairly soon after the parent leaves.

Children Must Be Signed Out Upon Departure

A child will not be able to leave the center with anyone other than a designated family member or other designated adult. 

Pickup time is a transition that is often overlooked and can be difficult. Children must now make the transition from the center back to mom, dad, or babysitter. They often greet parents with confused emotions: “I am so happy to see you” is expressed along with “I am angry that you left me”, or “Why did you come so early?” These emotions can be manifested in tantrums, refusal to cooperate, indifference to parents, a sudden need to do all the puzzles again, etc. Parents often feel confused and upset by their children’s behavior especially if they expected the child to race into their arms and tell them happily, what fun they had, and how much they missed them. This can be a difficult part of the day and needs to be given thought and planning. You may want to plan a few extra minutes when you pick up your child so that they can show you something that they are proud of, excited about or something they just enjoy doing.

Pickup time can be a very dangerous time of the day with cars pulling into the parking lot. Please talk to your children about being safe when leaving the building. They must remain inside the building until you come in to sign them out. Please hold your children’s hands or keep them near when leaving the building and walking them to your vehicle.

Families picking up children after closing time will be charged $10.00 for any portion of the first fifteen-minute period, then $2.00 per minute per child thereafter. Late charges must be paid in cash at the time of pickup. This late fee is assessed due to the necessity of having two employees in attendance with your child. 

All centers must be very careful about releasing children. Children can only be released to those people listed on the consent form. Only staff may release children. If an adult that we do not recognize or someone other than those on the list comes to pick up a child, then we will ask for identification. If parents ask a question concerning their child, then parents are referred to the Director/lead teacher. 

Due to the fact that not everyone can verbally let us know if they do not know the person picking them up, we require you to provide a copy of each person’s driver’s license that will be picking your child up that you have listed on your third party release list. 

Only those persons listed on the Emergency Information Sheet as “Persons Authorized to Pick up a Child at Any Time” can pick a child up from the center. If anyone other than those authorized on the Emergency Information Sheet is to pick up a child, then written permission must be given to the center by the registering parent/guardian. 

In case of an emergency, persons listed in the “To Be Called In An Emergency List” can pick up a child if the center cannot reach the parent/guardian and the center calls these persons to pick up a child. In a non-emergency situation, persons on the “To Be Called In An Emergency List” cannot pick up a child without written permission from the parent/guardian. 

Every child enrolled in the center must have an “Emergency Information Sheet” on file. The family is responsible to inform the center of any changes on this form. 

All scholars 18 months and up are required to wear school polo uniforms. Uniform forms are given within the application packet and provide a visual. The shirts are purchased through another party and the polo uniform shirt will be worn with khaki pants. An example of the acceptable uniform is posted in the hallway. On Fridays, students are permitted to express themselves with free dress. Uniforms should be neat and pressed to represent the highest level of decorum. Outfit and shoe choices should provide scholars an opportunity to learn and play comfortably.

Monday – Thursday: School Uniform

Friday: Free Dress

Discipline and Guidance

We believe that the discipline of a child is achieved through patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. We also try to teach the children in our care manners, kindness and to be respectful to others. One of the ways in which we do this is by the example we as providers set. We understand our actions and reactions speak much louder than our words. The children are explained the rules of the daycare frequently, so they know what’s expected of them. Once a child is old enough to understand the rules and disobeys them by exhibiting inappropriate behavior (hitting, aggression, etc.) hurts others, or property, the following developmentally appropriate guidance techniques will be used. These techniques are as follows:

  • Positive Reinforcement: The child will be encouraged when he or she is demonstrating acceptable behavior.
  • Redirection: The child is redirected to another activity and given an opportunity to try again at another time.
  • Time-Out/Reflection: The child is separated from the group for an age appropriate amount of time (one minute per one year of age). This technique is only used when a child repeatedly will not follow our directions or listen to our words, is exhibiting temper tantrum type behavior, or hurting one’s self, others or equipment. When the child shows that he or she is ready to demonstrate acceptable behavior, then they are encouraged to join the rest of the group to try again. 
  • Corporal Punishment: The use of physical force as a discipline measure is prohibited. This includes spanking, slapping, pinching, shaking, biting, pulling hair or arms, jerking, etc. A discipline policy is provided to parents. 

Preschool Express Learning Academy will be closed on the following holidays:

  • New Year’s Day
  • Spring Break (Friday)
  • Good Friday
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day (July 4th)
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Break
  • Christmas Break

* PELA will have 2 staff development days per year – these are usually held in August* 

Dates are announced on the yearly calendar.

We will typically have early dismissals the day prior to a holiday. We will provide at least a two week notice on any closings. If a holiday falls on a weekend, we will be closed the day before or the day after, depending on the day the holiday falls on. We may also be closed due to severe weather conditions, emergencies such as power outages or if the school districts must be closed. In case of emergency, you will be contacted as soon as possible. There will be no tuition discounts for situations such as these. 


In the event that a child takes vacation FULL tuition is still due at the normal time.

Preschool Express Learning Academy does not discriminate against children based on race, color, creed, sex, national origin, handicapping condition, ancestry, or children being breastfed. 

Parents Addressing Comments & Concerns, Parents Access to Licensing Report & Minimum Standards, Licensing Office, Texas Abuse and Neglect Hotline, DFPS website The State of Texas has rules and regulations that all daycare centers are lawfully required to follow so that the daycare can maintain their daycare licenses. These laws are referred to as “the minimum standards”. We keep a copy located in the front of the office for anybody to review. Please feel free to ask for the minimum standards and they will make them available to you. Every daycare is inspected by a state representative annually with no notice. After each inspection, there is a report generated. We keep our annual reports located in the front office, which is also available for you to review. The following are phone numbers and a website if you, for any reason, need to find more information or speak to a representative from the state licensing office. Included is also the number to the abuse hotline for any of your concerns. 

Local Office Phone Number: (713) 940-5200

Website: www.dfps.state.tx.us


Parents are welcome to address any situation with the admin at any time. We are here to protect your children, and that is our primary concern. You may call the center at any time or email us at preschoolexressla@gmail.com

If staff members suspect abuse, neglect, or any child at our center, they must immediately notify local child protection and the center director. The director will call and report this action to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. As mandated reporters, all center staff shall report any suspected abuse and neglect of a child. 

A child who manifests symptoms of illness will be separated from the group and taken to the Director’s office. An adult will remain with this child until a parent comes to take the child home. The cot used for this child will be cleaned and sanitized after use (using the bleach solution). If your child is sick, please call and let us know they will be out. 

Families are appreciated and have an open invitation to visit the center at any time. We encourage parents to drop by just to say “Hello” during their break, or join their children for lunch. Keeping an open line of communication between the center and families ensures that the best interests of the children are served, both at home and at the center. 

Parent's Software



Parent involvement is vital to the children’s success in school. Preschool Express Learning Academy strives to involve parents in as many ways as possible. Parents who are involved in their child’s education create a connection between the home and school. Every Preschool Express Learning Academy parent has an obligation to perform 2 hours of service per child to the school each month. Service hours will be checked monthly. Failure to complete volunteer hours will result in a $10 penalty per child each month. 


Parents are encouraged to volunteer in the classroom; other opportunities to get involved include planning events, preparing projects, and participating in school events. Parent volunteering can be as simple as reading a book to kids in the classroom, or as in-depth as helping plan our largest annual fundraiser.